Project Types

Find out the type of projects you can create on Flan. From 3D assets for your Metaverse space to your own custom NFT artworks. This guide will help you select the right category for your Flan project to increase the chance of it being picked up by the right person.

Visual Design

Visual design aims to improve a design’s/product’s aesthetic appeal and usability with suitable images, typography, space, layout and color. Visual design is about more than aesthetics. Designers place elements carefully to create interfaces that optimize user experience and drive conversion.

Visual designers are the problem solvers of the design world. Rather than just bringing brands to life, they play a key role in defining what goes into a brand’s unique style and voice. In addition to creating beautiful designs, they know how to explain design concepts and the decisions behind their work. A lot of their work overlaps with graphic design and UI design, but they go beyond working on individual designs and are responsible for the whole visual brand of a company.

  1. Video

    This category entails video ads, music videos and explainer videos.

  2. Graphic

    This category entails layout design, social media, and brand design.


NFT stands for non-fungible token, it is a unit of data stored on a digital ledger, called blockchain, that validates digital assets to be absolutely unique & therefore non-interchangeable. The non-fungible aspect of an NFT refers to its uniqueness and addresses the fact that each token has unique properties which makes an NFT essentially irreplaceable.Think of it like this: a 100 dollar note, that can be exchanged with another one, is fungible. Whereas the Mona Lisa is non-fungible, there’s just one original.

NFTs can be used to represent items such as photos, videos, audio, and other types of digital items. While copies of these digital items are available for anyone to obtain, NFTs are tracked on blockchain to provide the owner with proof of ownership that is more esteemed than copyright.

  1. 1/1 Artwork

    Digital assets or NFTs that are issued as a single, unique edition. One of ones are seen as more scarce and therefore more valuable, because only one person can own them at a time.

  2. Avatar

    A digital representation of the user (Abstract) in order to represent themselves when communicating with others online - can be a visual. representation of an imagined character for a role in a game.

  3. Generative Art

    a process of algorithmically generating new ideas, forms, shapes, colors or patterns. First, you create rules that provide boundaries for the creation process. Then a computer follows those rules to produce new works on your behalf. Used for generating NFT collections that take the form of a basic image with hundreds or thousands of variations, such as a series of monkeys which are all wearing different sets of randomly generated clothing.

  4. Game Assets

    NFT Game graphics such as: characters, environments, logos, backgrounds and props.


A web designer works on the appearance, layout, and, in some cases, content of a website. Appearance, for instance, relates to the colors, font, and images used. Layout refers to how information is structured and categorized. A good web design is easy to use, aesthetically pleasing, and suits the user group and brand of the website.

Many webpages are designed with a focus on simplicity, so that no extraneous information and functionality that might distract or confuse users appears. As the keystone of a web designer’s output is a site that wins and fosters the trust of the target audience, removing as many potential points of user frustration as possible is a critical consideration.

  1. Single-page

    Landing pages, Personal websites, Portfolio websites, Single-product websites and Event websites.

  2. Multi-page

    with a multi-page website, you’ll be able to have a homepage, where all the general information about your business will be, then a special page for your shop, a page that contains information about your business in more detail, and a page through which people can contact you.

  3. Immersive 3D

    3D adds depth, realism, and novelty between the human world and digital space with decorative items being replaced by functional UI controls. Users are looking for more than just scrolling through information. They want to be engaged, entertained as part of the design.

  4. Dashboard

    A dashboard is a visual display of all of your data. While it can be used in all kinds of different ways, its primary intention is to provide information at-a-glance, such as KPIs. A dashboard usually sits on its own page and receives information from a linked database.

3D Assets

3D assets are 3 dimensional digital files, so they look more lifelike than flat images. There are some 3D elements in movies, video games, and other animations. They can also be used to design homes, to help you pick your seats for an event, and more.

The process of building a 3D asset usually varies from one industry to another. For entertainment, Gaming, VR/AR it’s mostly manually modeled, textured, and Re-topped by 3D artists using industry-standard software. For Enterprise applications, they are 3D scanned and cleaned manually by CG Artists so that they are light and easily used across platforms.

  1. Animated Model

    Rigging, 3D Animation and 3D character motion for game design.

  2. Architectural Modelling

    With 3D animations, you can now experience your buildings in Virtual Reality (VR) or Augmented Reality (AR).

  3. Enviroment

    Virtual landscapes and gamescapes to infuse the backdrop with the story, architectural model or gameplay elements.

  4. Static Model

    Images of 3D renderings for products, buildings or characters - no animation or movement involved.